PC Cleaner v1.0

PC Cleaner v1.0

Ваш ПК чувствует себя плохо? Ваш ПК часто зависает? У Вас есть постоянно выскакивающие сообщения об ошибке? Ваш ПК работает медленно? У Вас есть программы, из-за которых Вы часто не можете выключить ПК? Если проблемы не устранены, со временем они могут только ухудшиться и привести к полной поломке и потере данных. Защитите себя и устраните свои проблемы регистрации всего в несколько щелчков мыши, благодаря этой замечательной программе.

Is your PC performing poorly? Does your PC crash or freeze frequently? Do you have error messages constantly popping up? Is your PC running slow? Do you have programs that you just can't get off your computer? If registry problems are not quickly repaired they can only get worse and lead to a complete crash and data loss. Protect yourself and fix your registry problems with just a few clicks. We know that it really isn't your fault. Over time with normal use computers tend to lose their performance. This is due to poorly written programs or malicious spyware and adware. Even when you try to remove them they are either hard to get rid of or never uninstall completely, leaving unused entries in your Windows registry. This unnecessary slows down the performance of the computer as all of those unused entries are loaded in your PC memory. Our registry cleaner will inspect your registry and identify such entries. It will repair them, getting your PC fixed and in good shape.

What is the Windows Registry Anyway?

The Windows registry is a centralized location where information about your computer is stored. As you use your PC the registry keeps growing since it tracks all the changes in your configuration. Over time it accumulates a lot of obsolete and unnecessary information, which slows down your system. If you actively use your computer your registry gradually grows but it also gets more and more cluttered. Registry growth can deteriorate your system performance and be the cause for numerous error messages and other unwanted behavior. In order to have the most of your computer use you need to periodically clean your system registry with an adequate tool. PC-CLEANER is an excellent choice for this job that we developed with the end user in mind!

But what does a registry cleaner do?

PC-CLEANER scans the Windows system registry and finds obsolete or corrupted entries in it. Fixing this incorrect information in Windows registry allows your system to run faster and error free. But we did not stop just there. PC-CLEANER comes with complete backup and restore functions that put you in control of your Windows Registry. That enables you to “turn back time” in case your registry experiences system failure, that is to bring back a state of the registry that is known to be good. We walked the extra mile to let you have the most of your registry repair experience and we strongly caution against any utility that promises registry fix but does not offer a backup function.

Does any of these error messages sounds familiar to you: iexplore, system32, DLL32, Kernel32, svchost, lsass?

If you said yes this means you have seen them enough times so you would remember them. And this means it is registry cleaning time! Yes, there is a good chance that your Windows registry needs repair and PC-CLEANER will help you to make this process a breeze.

PC-CLEANER eliminates problems associated with:

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PC-CLEANER - Registry Cleaner - Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Vista Compatible

Официальный сайт | Home Page - http://www.registrynerds.com/products.htm
Язык: English
Размер: 1.54 MB

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PC Cleaner v1.0

Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь.
Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем.

Процедура регистрации бесплатна и займет у вас всего пару минут!
После регистрации вам станет доступна информация скрытя фразой:
"Внимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста."

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